Frequently Asked Questions

Does our topsoil contain weeds?

Every care has been taken to remove weeds but it may contain seeds. Weeds do grow in topsoil at certain times of the year ie. May, June, July (depending on Sun/Rain) as we cannot screen out or prevent wind blown seeds. Our soil has NOT been sterilised OR treated with any weedkillers etc. It is very rich and although every effort is made to remove weeds, seeds will still remain.

What time is my tipped load arriving?

We can work with the customer on a suitable time slot

What is the delivery time for my bags order?

We cannot specify a time closer than the day of delivery for bagged products.

Will you put my order where I want it ?

We will work with the customer to find a suitable place , however we cannot negotiate steps, inclines or narrow areas.

Why do you use plastic bags?

We use unsealed open plastic bags for our topsoil, wood chippings and well-rotted manure. We have carefully considered the use of plastic bags and find that they are the best option. We strive to re-use your empty bags where possible.

They can be emptied on delivery (charges apply), collected by us at a later date (free of charge) or taken to one of our drop-off points.

Why are the bags of topsoil not full?

We have a "One size bag fits all" system. Topsoil is relatively dense compared to our other products so we always aim to keep the weight as close to 20 kg (30 litres volume). This is also a common size bag to lift without difficulty by the majority of our happy, valued customers.